Virtual Senior Practitioner Training


Organisations need systemic team coaches to partner with them in creating the transformation they need to face the great challenges of today and to meet the needs of tomorrow’s world.
Systemic Team Coaching® is the first offers a live-online educational hub dedicated to team coaching. Its where the world’s foremost team coaching experts come to teach, where coaches come to become the best and where organisations come to find the best in team leadership.
The program draws on 30+ years of team-specific research around the world, the experience of team coaching experts, and comes with a substantial toolkit. It supports your transformational shift in your thinking, doing and being so you can coach the transformational shift within the team, the team of teams, the organisation and the wider ecosystem. You will learn how to coach the transformation shift in the room, and between the team and their stakeholders. You will experience complex organisational challenges through live sessions with international CEOs and how to create compelling ways to partner in meeting these challenges. You will explore how to design and lead on team of teams engagements and how to flex to the needs of different types of teams. You will develop your muscle in seeing and acting systemically including how to integrate team coaching culture across an enterprise.
Target Audience
Graduates from the STC Practitioner Program or the STC Practitioner Certificate Program, or equivalent EMCC Global Team Coaching Practitioner level program
Experienced Team Coaches who have already coached teams for a minimum of 6 months and are now learning to coach across the boundaries
Senior Practitioners who already have a live case team to work with throughout the program
The program will consist of 10 modules run over a 10 month period.
Each module will comprise of:
1 x 90 minute Webinar
1 x 3 hour Practicum including Group Supervision
1 x 60 minute Core Learning Session
5 hours Program Reading
12 hours (approx.) of Practice
Reflective assignment will be submitted at the end of the program

Program Structure

What you will learn
Main session Live - 90 min, Reading week, Practicum - 180 min, Core Learning Live - 60 min
The Transformational Shift to Senior Practitioner
Key Learning Takeaways:
Understanding what the world needs in terms of a shift in human consciousness
How Systemic Team Coaching® contributes to what the world needs
Understanding the shift from a redesigning action lodge to a transforming action logic
Team Dynamics: Coaching the Transformational Shift in the Room
Key Learning Takeaways:
Seeing the team's story including the traps and cul-de-sacs
How to shift the frame through spatial, temporal and holographic holding capacities
How to dance with resistance
Team Dynamics: The Team Coach as Instrument of Change
Key Learning Takeaways:
Understanding that "being" change happens here and now, inside out
Using self as instrument of change to be the change the team needs
Using Sentic states to shift yourself to shift the room
Building the Muscles to See and Act Systemically
Key Learning Takeaways:
Making the systemic pattern seeable and feelable
Seeing the team as part of an organizational pattern and dynamic
Coaching the Team in Live Partnering Engagements with Stakeholder
Key Learning Takeaways:
Making the systemic pattern seeable and feelable
Seeing the team as part of an organizational pattern and dynamic
Working with Complex Organizational Challenges as STC® (Team Coaching as par of Organizational Planning)
Key Learning Takeaways:
Understanding the organizational transitions
Guest CEOs conceptualizing the transitions their organizations have gone through and how STC supported that transition
Understanding the CEO challenge for your learning group to respond to
Coaching Team of Teams
Key Learning Takeaways:
How to support a team in developing next levels of teams
The architecture of a "team of teams" event
The methodology for live "team of teams" events
Working with Complex Organizational Challenges as STC (Part 2
Key Learning Takeaways:
How to partner, engage and co-create with a potential client
How to introduce "team of teams" perspectives into your dialogue
Flexing the Needs of Different Teams of Teams
Key Learning Takeaways:
How to team coach project teams using STC with agile principles
How to do Board Reviews and move to Board Development
Managing the challenges of family businesses
Working with culture and other diversity in teams
Developing the Learning and Self-coaching Team
Key Learning Takeaways:
How to grow the capacity of the team and team leader to increase the team's ability to develop themselves right through the team coaching journey
How to structure review meetings with team leader and HR leader to grow their capacity as team coaches
Embedding learning habits, methods and rituals in the team that will sustain beyond their learning
Developing an integrated Team Coaching Culture across the Organization
Key Learning Takeaways:
Key elements of team culture
How to develop internal resources to coach own teams
Using technology to create a teaming culture
Integrating the Learning and Defining the Way Forward
Key Learning Takeaways:
Charting the shift in my thinking, doing and being
Understanding how I have extended my range and impact of my work
The shift from redefining to transforming
Extending the ripple of our work
Continuing to sift human consciousnes
You'll receive Certifications and CCEU's from

EMCC Global Senior Practitioner Team Coaching Accreditation (optional)
ICF ACTC recommendation from an Accredited Team Coaching Program (AATC)